
Chichibu Night Festival 2024: Must-See Floats and Fireworks!

Chichibu night festival 2024

The Chichibu Night Festival, alongside the Kyoto Gion Festival and the Takayama Festival, is considered one of Japan’s three great float festivals.

In 2023, it attracted a crowd of 360,000 people over two days.

Here’s a guide to the highlights of the traditional Chichibu Night Festival, including the floats, street food and fireworks.

Source:ユネスコ無形文化遺産 秩父夜祭 山車と花火 / 尺玉対打ち 2023 (Panasonic S5 + BRAW)

What is the Chichibu Night Festival 2024? Enjoy Both Floats and Fireworks!

Date and Time:

Chichibu Night Festival:
December 2 (Monday) & 3 (Tuesday), 2024

The Chichibu Night Festival takes place annually on December 2nd and 3rd.

The 2nd is known as Yoimiya (pre-festival), and the 3rd as Honmatsuri (main festival).

On the 3rd, the Chichibu Night Festival Fireworks display is held, featuring magnificent and grand fireworks.

This large-scale festival offers not only fireworks but also a variety of food stalls to enjoy.

History of the Chichibu Night Festival:

The Chichibu Night Festival has been celebrated since the Kanbun era (1661-72) during the Edo period, boasting over 300 years of history.

The festival’s two Kasaboko floats and four Yatai floats are designated as National Important Tangible Folk Cultural Properties.

Additionally, the “Chichibu Festival Floats and Kagura” has been designated as an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property by the Japanese government.

In 2016, the festival was further recognized as a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage as part of the “Yama, Hoko, Yatai Float Festivals,” bringing it even more attention.

Highlights of the Chichibu Night Festival:

On December 2nd, four floats are paraded through the streets, and on the 3rd, six floats are showcased.

The biggest highlight of the Chichibu Night Festival is the night of December 3rd, when floats weighing up to 20 tons are pulled up the steep Dango-zaka slope—an awe-inspiring sight.

The combination of the illuminated floats and the fireworks in the background creates a beautiful and unique scene.

Recommended Festival Foods at the Chichibu Night Festival 2024

When in Chichibu, don’t miss out on local delicacies such as:

  • Pork Miso Bowl
  • Waraji Katsu (sandal-shaped pork cutlet)
  • Miso Potatoes
  • Okkirikomi (udon)
  • Local Sake (Buko Masamune, Chichibu Nishiki, Ichiro’s Malt, etc.)

Many of these local specialties can be enjoyed at the food stalls during the Chichibu Night Festival!

Here are some highlights of festival foods from 2023:

Miso Potatoes:

Miso Potatoes are a popular local dish from Chichibu!

They consist of deep-fried potato slices or chunks, coated with a savory-sweet miso sauce.

It’s a simple yet delicious way to enjoy the unique taste of miso, and it’s a must-try when visiting the region!

Motsu-Ni (Stewed Pork Intestines):

Since the festival is held in December, many people enjoyed warm dishes like Motsu-Ni, soba, and ramen to stay cozy while enjoying the festivities.

Motsu-Ni is a hearty and flavorful dish made from slow-cooked pork intestines, simmered to perfection in a savory broth with miso, soy sauce, and a blend of aromatic ingredients.

The tender, melt-in-your-mouth texture and rich, comforting flavor make it an irresistible choice, especially during the chilly winter months.

Warm up with a bowl of Motsu-Ni at the Chichibu Night Festival and experience the comforting taste of this traditional Japanese dish that locals love.

Night Festival Market:

In front of Chichibu Station (Chichibu Railway), the Night Festival Market was held, featuring many local specialties.

For example, you can taste “Chichibu Soba with a Kakiage Tempura Topping.

Chichibu Soba is a local specialty known for its firm, chewy texture and rich, earthy flavor, thanks to the region’s high-quality buckwheat.

A bowl of this delicious soba will leave you craving more!

You could even sample different kinds of local sake at the market!

Chichibu Night Festival 2024 Fireworks Display

Fireworks Schedule:

The details for the 2024 fireworks have not been released yet.

Here’s the schedule from 2023 for reference:

Chichibu Night Festival Fireworks Display:

  • Date and Time(in 2023):
    • December 2nd (Saturday): 19:00-20:00 (Single-shot fireworks)
    • December 3rd (Sunday): 19:30-22:00 (Fireworks Display)
  • Location to launch fireworks:
    Hitsujiyama Park (You cannot enter the park during fireworks display)

Both days feature fireworks, with approximately 500 fireworks on the 2nd and around 6,500 fireworks during the main event on the 3rd.

The grand display of fireworks and the parade of floats on the night of the 3rd is the highlight of the festival.

Fireworks Program:

The 2024 program is not yet available, but here’s what it looked like in 2023:

  • Program for 2023:
  • 19:30 – 1st Part: 100 Rapid-Fire Shots, Large Star Mine, Golden Waterfall
  • 20:20 – 2nd Part: Fireworks Competition
  • 21:05 – 3rd Part: Rainbow Star Mine
  • 21:55 – Finale: Golden Waterfall

The program lasts for 2 hours and 30 minutes, offering a luxurious experience of both the festival and the float parades.

Recommended Viewing Spots:

Best Viewing Locations:

  • Along National Route 140, from the traffic light in front of Seibu Chichibu Station to the Uenomachi intersection
  • Chichibu City Hall Parking Lot (Fireworks Viewing Area)
  • In front of Seibu Chichibu Station
  • In front of Citizen’s Hall

Here are some other great spots to view the fireworks that have been mentioned online:

Hidden Gems for Viewing Fireworks:

  • Chichibu Muse Park
  • Unicus Chichibu Parking Lot
  • Michi-no-Eki Chichibu (Chichibu Roadside Station)
  • Chichibu Meisen Museum

Chichibu Night Festival 2024: Transportation and Access Information

Nearest Stations:

  • Seibu Chichibu Line – Seibu Chichibu Station
  • Chichibu Railway – Chichibu Station, Ohanabatake Station

The center of Chichibu City will be under significant traffic restrictions, so we highly recommend using public transportation.

Temporary Parking Lots:

The information for 2024 has not been released yet.

Last year, the following locations served as temporary parking lots:

December 2nd:

  1. Miyaji Ground
  2. Minami Elementary School Ground

December 3rd:

  1. Miyaji Ground
  2. Minami Elementary School Ground
  3. Nishi Elementary School Ground
  4. First Junior High School Ground (shuttle bus available)
  5. Hanano-ki Elementary School Ground
  6. Second Junior High School Ground
  7. Chichibu Muse Park Sports Forest (shuttle bus available)
  8. Kagemori Ground (shuttle bus available)

Since parking is limited and heavy traffic is expected in the surrounding areas, using public transportation is highly recommended!

Summary of the Highlights of Chichibu Night Festival 2024: Floats and Fireworks

The Chichibu Night Festival, recognized as one of Japan’s three great float festivals and a UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage, is a must-see event.

Enjoy the traditional float parades, local gourmet food, and grand fireworks display by visiting this historic festival!

Chichibu Night Festival Basic Information:

Date:December 2 (Monday) & 3 (Tuesday), 2024
Location:Chichibu City, Saitama Prefecture
Access:Seibu Chichibu Line – Seibu Chichibu Station
Chichibu Railway – Chichibu Station, Ohanabatake Station
Kan-Etsu Expressway – About 1 hour from Hanazono Interchange
Ken-O Expressway – About 1 hour from Sayama-Hidaka Interchange
Official Website:Chichibu Tourism Association Official Website
Contact Information:Chichibu City Tourism Department
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